Actually measured, either by finding text on and curl | wc -w
or finding and converting from epub
word count | title |
555541 | Lord of the Rings |
1391946 | Marcel Proust/In Search of Lost Time, Complete and Unabridged _ 6-Book Bundle |
1104345 | J.K. Rowling/Harry Potter_ The Complete Collection |
444748 | Stephen King/It |
444748 | It (Stephen King) |
138929 | A Tale of Two Cities |
29564 | Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland |
196660 | Red and Black (Stendhal) |
215838 | Moby-Dick |
130414 | Pride and Prejudice |
268092 | Ulysses |
566332 | War and Peace |
353883 | Brothers Karamazov |
206546 | Crime and Punishment |
29000 | Romeo and Juliet |
113967 | Thus Spake Zarathustra |
160440 | Snow Crash (Neal Stephenson) |
408162 | Cryptonomicon (Neal Stephenson) |
326777 | Anathem (Neal Stephenson) |
16306 | Franz Kafka/Ein Landarzt_ Kleine Erzahlungen |
22304 | Franz Kafka/Die Verwandlung |
7158 | Franz Kafka/Das Urteil_ Eine Geschichte |
25186 | Yukio Mishima/Sun & Steel |
66843 | Philip K. Dick/Ubik |
70479 | Philip K. Dick/The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch |
69691 | Jachym Topol/Kloktat dehet |
12250 | Daniel Keyes/Flowers for Algernon (novella) |
86215 | Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes |
34530 | Michail Bulgakov/Zapisky mladeho lekare |
119087 | The Three-Body Problem (Cixin Liu) |
187696 | The Dark Forest (Cixin Liu) |
224080 | Death’s End (Cixin Liu) |
530863 | {Complete} The Three-Body Problem |
117008 | The Dispossessed (le Guin) |
464028 | The Count of Monte Cristo |
6014 | Harlan Ellison/I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream |
77069 | Der Prozess (Kafka) |
116507 | Josef Skvorecky/Zbabelci (228)/Zbabelci - Josef Skvorecky |
38055 | Marketa Lazarova (226)/Marketa Lazarova - Vladislav Vancura |
53251 | Chuck Palahniuk/Fight Club |
18424 | Rozmarne leto - Vladislav Vancura |
56408 | G. K. Chesterton/Tremendous Trifles |
58598 | G. K. Chesterton/The Man Who Was Thursday_ A Nightmare |
195773 | Larry Niven/The Mote in God’s Eye |
544859 | Wallace, David Foster/Infinite Jes |
53133 | City of the Chasch/Jack Vance - Tschai 01 |
45674 | System Design Interview - An Insider’s Gui - Alex Xu |
116200 | Francis Galton/Memories of my life |
172800 | William L. Shirer/Berlin Diary |
141762 | Robert M. Pirsig/Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance |
146497 | Robert M. Pirsig/Lila. An Inquiry Into Morals |
555541 | J. R. R. Tolkien/The Lord of the Rings_ The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King |
67185 | Radostna veda - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche |
381592 | Bertrand Russell-A History of Western Phil - Bertrand Russell |
17063 | Vladimir Smekal/TRANSAKCNI ANALUZA |
7101 | James O Coplien/Why-Most-Unit-Testing-is-Waste |
91173 | Robert C. Martin/Clean Architecture_ A Craftsman’s Guide to Software Structure and Design |
115298 | Neal Ford/Software Architecture_ The Hard Parts |
109733 | Neal Ford/Fundamentals of Software Architecture |
93274 | Ulrich Drepper/What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory |
16134 | Sourav Chatterjee/A New Coefficient Of Correlation |
145524 | Scott Barry Kaufman/Transcend |
164457 | Jimmy Nilsson/Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns_ With Examples in C# and .NET |
37096 | Matthew Boyle BIRMINGHAM–/Domain-Driven Design with Golang |
30848 | Professor Frisby/mostly-adequate-guide |
107634 | Alexey Zimarev/Hands-On Domain-Driven Design with .NET Core |
55653 | Richard Wayne Bandler/Using Your Brain –for a CHANGE |
77983 | Alex Miller/Programming Clojure, Third Edition |
82469 | Vlad Khononov/Learning Domain-Driven Design |
77837 | Vlad Khononov/Learning Domain-Driven Design |
22472 | Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche/Soumrak model cili Kterak se filosofuje kladivem |
28653 | Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche/Gotzen-Dammerung |
65042 | Philipp Fehre/JavaScript Domain-Driven Design |
65042 | Philipp Fehre/JavaScript Domain-Driven Design |
95405 | Dave Asprey/Fast This Way |
183965 | Mark Halperin/Double Down_ Game Change 2012 |
58546 | Bronze Age Pervert/Bronze Age Mindset |
59378 | Vaclav Smil/Numbers Don’t Lie |
153916 | Vaclav Smil/Grand Transitions |
152878 | Martin Fowler/Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture |
66343 | Carlos Buenosvinos; Christian Soronellas; Keyvan Akbary/ddd-in-php |
78497 | Tengiz Tutisani/Effective Software Development for the Enterprise_ Beyond Domain Driven Design, Software Archit |
71794 | CFAR/CFAR Participant handbook |
20461 | Kyle Simpson/You Don’t Know JS_ Up & Going |
92232 | Gerald M. Weinberg/An Introduction to General Systems Thinking |
59477 | Hamilton Gregory/McNamara’s Folly_ The Use of Low-IQ Troops in the Vietnam War |
64519 | Bill Burnett/Designing Your Life |
116681 | Chris Hanson/Software Design for Flexibility |
52192 | Berne, Eric/Games People Play_ The Psychology of Human Relationships |
337294 | J. Kenji Lopez-Alt/The Food Lab_ Better Home Cooking Through Science |
74122 | Bob Gregory/Architecture Patterns with Python |
49101 | Ryan Baldwin/Clojure Web Development Essentials |
61222 | Will Larson/An Elegant Puzzle_ Systems of Engineering Management |
33387 | Vernon, Vaughn/Domain-Driven Design Distilled |
190290 | Vernon, Vaughn/Implementing Domain-Driven Design |
336912 | The Food Lab Better Home Cooking Through Science-W. W. Norton Company |
108962 | Vaughn Vernon/Strategic Monoliths and Microservices_ Driving Innovation Using Purposeful Architecture |
57283 | Forsgren PhD/Accelerate |
175326 | McWilliams, Nancy;/Psychoanalytic Diagnosis, Second Edition |
111115 | Marvin Minsky/Computation Finite & Infinite Machines |
67815 | Oliver Burkeman/Four Thousand Weeks_ Time Management for Mortals |
167974 | Jesse Griffin/Domain-Driven Laravel_ Learn to Implement Domain-Driven Design Using Laravel |
75607 | G. Polya/How to Solve It |
241443 | Jonathan Steinberg/Bismarck_ A Life |
117234 | Neal Ford, Mark Richards, Pramod Sadalage, Zhamak Dehghani/Software Architecture_ The Hard Parts |
69773 | Ethan Garofolo/Practical Microservices |
8449 | On bullshit-Princeton University Press |
119469 | Richard W. Hamming/The Art of Doing Science and Engineering_ Learning to Learn |
41761 | Shunryu Suzuki/Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind |
114414 | Platon/Ustava |
175419 | Georg Friedrich Hegel/Fenomenologie ducha |
79798 | Peter L.Berger; Thomas Luckmann/The Social Construction of Reality |
226611 | Kleppmann, Martin/Designing Data-Intensive Applications |
118904 | Michael C. Feathers/Working Effectively with Legacy Code |
42886 | Peter Thiel/Zero to One_ Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future |
60421 | Ray Dalio/Principles |
32013 | Guy Debord/Society of the Spectacle |
187696 | Cixin Liu/The Dark Forest |
119087 | Cixin Liu/The Three-Body Problem |
224080 | Cixin Liu/Death’s End |
94471 | Camille Fournier/The Manager’s Path |
103195 | Tyler Akidau, Slava Chernyak/Streaming Systems |
75257 | Ian Horrocks/Constructing the User Interface with Statecharts |
60970 | David Hume/An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding |
156786 | Frank W. Bond/Handbook of Brief Cognitive Behaviour Therapy |
91549 | Ibram X. Kendi/How to Be an Antiracist |
182371 | Julius Evola/Revolt Against the Modern World_ Politics, Religion, and Social Order in the Kali Yuga |
82591 | David Allen/Getting Things Done |
70575 | Cal Newport/Digital Minimalism_ Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World |
71806 | Cal Newport/Deep Work |
24362 | Havel, Vaclav/Moc bezmocnych |
1665 | Neil Greenspan/Taxicab Geometry as a Vehicle for the Journey Toward Enlightenment |
81897 | Sam Newman/Monolith to Microservices |
200271 | Harold Abelson; Gerald Jay Sussman; Julie Sussman/Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs |
261053 | Arnold Robbins/Unix in a Nutshell, 4th Edition |
139489 | Eric Evans/Domain-Driven Design_ Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software |