
Actually measured, either by finding text on gutenberg.org and curl | wc -w or finding and converting from epub

word count title
555541 Lord of the Rings
1391946 Marcel Proust/In Search of Lost Time, Complete and Unabridged _ 6-Book Bundle
1104345 J.K. Rowling/Harry Potter_ The Complete Collection
444748 Stephen King/It
444748 It (Stephen King)
138929 A Tale of Two Cities
29564 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
196660 Red and Black (Stendhal)
215838 Moby-Dick
130414 Pride and Prejudice
268092 Ulysses
566332 War and Peace
353883 Brothers Karamazov
206546 Crime and Punishment
29000 Romeo and Juliet
113967 Thus Spake Zarathustra
160440 Snow Crash (Neal Stephenson)
408162 Cryptonomicon (Neal Stephenson)
326777 Anathem (Neal Stephenson)
16306 Franz Kafka/Ein Landarzt_ Kleine Erzahlungen
22304 Franz Kafka/Die Verwandlung
7158 Franz Kafka/Das Urteil_ Eine Geschichte
25186 Yukio Mishima/Sun & Steel
66843 Philip K. Dick/Ubik
70479 Philip K. Dick/The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
69691 Jachym Topol/Kloktat dehet
12250 Daniel Keyes/Flowers for Algernon (novella)
86215 Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes
34530 Michail Bulgakov/Zapisky mladeho lekare
119087 The Three-Body Problem (Cixin Liu)
187696 The Dark Forest (Cixin Liu)
224080 Death’s End (Cixin Liu)
530863 {Complete} The Three-Body Problem
117008 The Dispossessed (le Guin)
464028 The Count of Monte Cristo
6014 Harlan Ellison/I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
77069 Der Prozess (Kafka)
116507 Josef Skvorecky/Zbabelci (228)/Zbabelci - Josef Skvorecky
38055 Marketa Lazarova (226)/Marketa Lazarova - Vladislav Vancura
53251 Chuck Palahniuk/Fight Club
18424 Rozmarne leto - Vladislav Vancura
56408 G. K. Chesterton/Tremendous Trifles
58598 G. K. Chesterton/The Man Who Was Thursday_ A Nightmare
195773 Larry Niven/The Mote in God’s Eye
544859 Wallace, David Foster/Infinite Jes
53133 City of the Chasch/Jack Vance - Tschai 01
45674 System Design Interview - An Insider’s Gui - Alex Xu
116200 Francis Galton/Memories of my life
172800 William L. Shirer/Berlin Diary
141762 Robert M. Pirsig/Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
146497 Robert M. Pirsig/Lila. An Inquiry Into Morals
555541 J. R. R. Tolkien/The Lord of the Rings_ The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King
67185 Radostna veda - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
381592 Bertrand Russell-A History of Western Phil - Bertrand Russell
17063 Vladimir Smekal/TRANSAKCNI ANALUZA
7101 James O Coplien/Why-Most-Unit-Testing-is-Waste
91173 Robert C. Martin/Clean Architecture_ A Craftsman’s Guide to Software Structure and Design
115298 Neal Ford/Software Architecture_ The Hard Parts
109733 Neal Ford/Fundamentals of Software Architecture
93274 Ulrich Drepper/What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory
16134 Sourav Chatterjee/A New Coefficient Of Correlation
145524 Scott Barry Kaufman/Transcend
164457 Jimmy Nilsson/Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns_ With Examples in C# and .NET
37096 Matthew Boyle BIRMINGHAM–/Domain-Driven Design with Golang
30848 Professor Frisby/mostly-adequate-guide
107634 Alexey Zimarev/Hands-On Domain-Driven Design with .NET Core
55653 Richard Wayne Bandler/Using Your Brain –for a CHANGE
77983 Alex Miller/Programming Clojure, Third Edition
82469 Vlad Khononov/Learning Domain-Driven Design
77837 Vlad Khononov/Learning Domain-Driven Design
22472 Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche/Soumrak model cili Kterak se filosofuje kladivem
28653 Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche/Gotzen-Dammerung
65042 Philipp Fehre/JavaScript Domain-Driven Design
65042 Philipp Fehre/JavaScript Domain-Driven Design
95405 Dave Asprey/Fast This Way
183965 Mark Halperin/Double Down_ Game Change 2012
58546 Bronze Age Pervert/Bronze Age Mindset
59378 Vaclav Smil/Numbers Don’t Lie
153916 Vaclav Smil/Grand Transitions
152878 Martin Fowler/Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
66343 Carlos Buenosvinos; Christian Soronellas; Keyvan Akbary/ddd-in-php
78497 Tengiz Tutisani/Effective Software Development for the Enterprise_ Beyond Domain Driven Design, Software Archit
71794 CFAR/CFAR Participant handbook
20461 Kyle Simpson/You Don’t Know JS_ Up & Going
92232 Gerald M. Weinberg/An Introduction to General Systems Thinking
59477 Hamilton Gregory/McNamara’s Folly_ The Use of Low-IQ Troops in the Vietnam War
64519 Bill Burnett/Designing Your Life
116681 Chris Hanson/Software Design for Flexibility
52192 Berne, Eric/Games People Play_ The Psychology of Human Relationships
337294 J. Kenji Lopez-Alt/The Food Lab_ Better Home Cooking Through Science
74122 Bob Gregory/Architecture Patterns with Python
49101 Ryan Baldwin/Clojure Web Development Essentials
61222 Will Larson/An Elegant Puzzle_ Systems of Engineering Management
33387 Vernon, Vaughn/Domain-Driven Design Distilled
190290 Vernon, Vaughn/Implementing Domain-Driven Design
336912 The Food Lab Better Home Cooking Through Science-W. W. Norton Company
108962 Vaughn Vernon/Strategic Monoliths and Microservices_ Driving Innovation Using Purposeful Architecture
57283 Forsgren PhD/Accelerate
175326 McWilliams, Nancy;/Psychoanalytic Diagnosis, Second Edition
111115 Marvin Minsky/Computation Finite & Infinite Machines
67815 Oliver Burkeman/Four Thousand Weeks_ Time Management for Mortals
167974 Jesse Griffin/Domain-Driven Laravel_ Learn to Implement Domain-Driven Design Using Laravel
75607 G. Polya/How to Solve It
241443 Jonathan Steinberg/Bismarck_ A Life
117234 Neal Ford, Mark Richards, Pramod Sadalage, Zhamak Dehghani/Software Architecture_ The Hard Parts
69773 Ethan Garofolo/Practical Microservices
8449 On bullshit-Princeton University Press
119469 Richard W. Hamming/The Art of Doing Science and Engineering_ Learning to Learn
41761 Shunryu Suzuki/Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind
114414 Platon/Ustava
175419 Georg Friedrich Hegel/Fenomenologie ducha
79798 Peter L.Berger; Thomas Luckmann/The Social Construction of Reality
226611 Kleppmann, Martin/Designing Data-Intensive Applications
118904 Michael C. Feathers/Working Effectively with Legacy Code
42886 Peter Thiel/Zero to One_ Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future
60421 Ray Dalio/Principles
32013 Guy Debord/Society of the Spectacle
187696 Cixin Liu/The Dark Forest
119087 Cixin Liu/The Three-Body Problem
224080 Cixin Liu/Death’s End
94471 Camille Fournier/The Manager’s Path
103195 Tyler Akidau, Slava Chernyak/Streaming Systems
75257 Ian Horrocks/Constructing the User Interface with Statecharts
60970 David Hume/An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
156786 Frank W. Bond/Handbook of Brief Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
91549 Ibram X. Kendi/How to Be an Antiracist
182371 Julius Evola/Revolt Against the Modern World_ Politics, Religion, and Social Order in the Kali Yuga
82591 David Allen/Getting Things Done
70575 Cal Newport/Digital Minimalism_ Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World
71806 Cal Newport/Deep Work
24362 Havel, Vaclav/Moc bezmocnych
1665 Neil Greenspan/Taxicab Geometry as a Vehicle for the Journey Toward Enlightenment
81897 Sam Newman/Monolith to Microservices
200271 Harold Abelson; Gerald Jay Sussman; Julie Sussman/Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
261053 Arnold Robbins/Unix in a Nutshell, 4th Edition
139489 Eric Evans/Domain-Driven Design_ Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software